HLSTC Handicap numbers

This table shows the Handicap Numbers in use at HLSTC at March 2024, together with the changes from the 2023 numbers.

The RYA usually updates its database every year, and we then review our figures, making adjustments as appropriate. (Because of the pandemic, we followed the RYA, in using the same figures from 2020 to 2022 inclusive.) Our current figures are in line with the RYA's 2024 base figures for most classes, but as usual, we have adjusted faster boats upwards to reflect local conditions (to approximately half way between the RYA's figure and 1000). Where RYA figures are not available, we have used the best information available from other sources.

Class 2024 PNs Status/source Change from 2023
505 896 960 HLSTC variation on RYA base PN -4 0
RS400 940 973 HLSTC variation on RYA base PN -1 0
RS300 965 985 HLSTC variation on RYA base PN 0 0
RS Aero9 1008 1008 RYA base PN -2 -2
D-Zero 1032 1032 RYA base PN +3 +3
Albacore 1037 1037 RYA base PN 0 0
RS200 1046 1046 RYA base PN 0 0
RS Aero 7 1061 1061 RYA base PN -2 -2
Lark 1062 1062 RYA base PN -3 -3
Laser Vago XD 1071 1071 RYA limited data list 0 0
Supernova 1075 1075 RYA base PN -2 -2
Topaz Xenon 1079 1079 RYA limited data list 0 0
Comet Trio 1092 1092 RYA base PN -4 -4
Laser Bahia n/a 1095 Various club web sites 0 0
ILCA 7 / Laser 1102 1102 RYA base PN +1 +1
RS Aero 6 1102 1102 RYA base PN -3 -3
(Laser) 2000 1114 1114 RYA base PN 0 0
Leader 1115 1115 RYA limited data list 0 0
Enterprise 1133 1133 RYA base PN +7 +7
GP14 1138 1138 RYA base PN +5 +5
RS Aero5 1141 1141 RYA base PN +5 +5
Solo 1142 1142 RYA base PN 0 0
Europe 1147 1147 RYA base PN +6 +6
ILCA 6 / Laser Radial 1154 1154 RYA base PN +4 +4
Lightning 368 1160 1160 RYA base PN 0 0
Comet Versa n/a 1165 Comet recommendation 0 0
Comet Duo 1178 1178 RYA limited data list 0 0
RS Neo 1180 1180 RS recommendation 0 0
Byte 1190 1190 RYA limited data list 0 0
Bosun 1198 1198 RYA limited data list 0 0
Miracle 1200 1200 RYA base PN +6 +6
Comet 1210 1210 RYA base PN 0 0
ILCA 4 / Laser 4.7 1213 1213 RYA base PN +3 +3
RS Feva XL 1244 1244 RYA base PN -4 -4
RS Zest n/a 1260 RS recommendation n/a n/a
Laser Pico 1330 1330 RYA limited data list 0 0
Gull 1363 1363 RYA limited data list 0 0
Topper 1369 1369 RYA base PN +4 +4
RS Tera Sport 1445 1445 RYA base PN 0 0